Truth, Beauty, and Goodness

These are the center of Christian Classical Education. Plato discussed three properties of being, calling them the Transcendentals – “truth, goodness, and beauty.” At the source of what we study these are the things that can be known: what is true, what is right, what is lovely.

He connected these three properties of being with the human capacities to think, wish, and feel. They also, in the ancient conception, corresponded to studies: science (truth), religion (goodness), arts (beauty). In philosophy, the trifecta became logic, ethics, and aesthetics.

Of course, the conversation didn’t stop with Plato, and philosophers, theologians, and educators have developed the categories and conceptions further making them a commonplace trinity. We can use the categories to think about and define both our goals and our methods.


The Classical Difference

Classical Christian education is a lifelong process of applying the “tools of learning” in order to become a vital member of the Great Conversation; of which all are called to through scripture.


Elements of Classical Education at BCS

“I have had four children (so far!) at this school, and our experience has been great. We are grateful for a faithful Christian educational option in the area.”

- Jeff Burton (Parent)

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